《Chinese Chemical Letters》(中国化学快报)青年编委、《工业水处理》青年编委、中国化学会高级会员
[1]Yuan Liu*, Lin-Feng He, Ying-Ying Deng, Qi Zhang, Guang-Ming Jiang, Hong Liu. Recent progress on the recovery of valuable resources from source-separated urine on-site using electrochemical technologies: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 442, 136200.
[2]Yuan Liu*, Ying-Ying Deng, Qi Zhang, Hong Liu. Overview of recent developments of resource recovery from wastewater via electrochemistry-based technologies. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 757(25), 143901.
[3]Yangyang Gao, Sha Wang, Fengjun Yin, Pin Hu, Xingzu Wang, Yuan Liu*, Hong Liu. Enhancing sensitivity of microbial fuel cell sensors for low concentration biodegradable organic matter detection: Regulation of substrate concentration, anode area and external resistance. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2021, 101, 227–235.
[4]Meiling Liao, Yuan Liu*, Enling Tian, Weiqi Ma, Hong Liu. Phosphorous removal and high-purity struvite recovery from hydrolyzed urine with spontaneous electricity production in Mg-air fuel cell. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 391, 123517.
[5]Yuan Liu*, Yi-Song Fan, Zhi-Mei Liu. Pyrolysis of iron phthalocyanine on activated carbon as highly efficient non-noble metal oxygen reduction catalyst in microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 361: 416–427.
[6]Yuan Liu*, Zhimei Liu, Hong Liu, Meiling Liao. Novel porous nitrogen doped graphene/carbon black composites as efficient oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst for power generation in microbial fuel cell. Nanomaterials. 2019, 9: 836.
[7]Yuan Liu*, Zhi-Mei Liu. Promoted activity of nitrogen-doped activated carbon as a highly efficient oxygen reduction catalyst in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 2019, 49: 119–133.
[8]Yuan Liu, Ai-Xue Tuo, Xiao-Jun Jin, Xiang-Zhong Li, Hong Liu*. Quantifying biodegradable organic matter in polluted water on the basis of coulombic yield. Talanta. 2018, 176, 485–491.
[9]Yuan Liu, Xiao-Jun Jin, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Hong Liu*, Yu-Ming Huang*. Homogeneous deposition-assisted synthesis of iron-nitrogen composites on graphene as highly efficient non-precious metal electrocatalysts for microbial fuel cell power generation. Journal of Power Sources. 2015, 278: 773-781.
[10]Yuan Liu, Hong Liu*, Chuan Wang, Shuang-Xia Hou, Nuan Yang. Sustainable energy recovery in wastewater treatment by microbial fuel cells: Stable power generation with nitrogen-doped graphene cathode. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47: 13889-13895.