于爱尔兰国立大学获博士学位,现从事大气化学、气溶胶物理化学、大气颗粒物来源解析等方向的研究;入选中国科学院西部青年学者(A类),重庆英才·青年拔尖人才(2020)。在Geophysical Research Letters、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics、Environmental Science & Technology、Journal of Geophysical Research和 Environmental International等知名SCI期刊发表论文100余篇,引用3200余次, H-index 为35。承担各级科研项目20余项,其中包括自然科学基金项目,国家重点研发计划,中国科学院战略先导专项,大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(总理基金)等国家级项目/课题15项。
1. Long, X., Han, Y., Wang, Q. Y., Li, X. K., Feng, T., Wang, Y. C., et al. Chen, Y.*, 2024. Adverse effects of ozone pollution on net primary productivity in the North China Plain. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL105209. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL105209
2. Bao, Z., Zhang, X., Li, Q., Zhou, J., Shi, G., Zhou, L., Yang, F., Xie, S., Zhang, D., Zhai, C., Chen Y.* 2023. Measurement report: Intensive biomass burning emissions and rapid nitrate formation drive severe haze formation in the Sichuan Basin, China–insights from aerosol mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 23, 1147-1167.
3. Zhang, S., Zhang, R., Guo, D., Han, Y., Song, G., Yang, F., Chen, Y.*, 2022. Molecular mechanism of Pulmonary diseases caused by exposure to urban PM2. 5 in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, China. Environment International. 165, 107292.
4. Zhang, S., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Guo, D., Chen, Y.*, 2021a. Inhalable cigarette-burning particles: Size-resolved chemical composition and mixing state. Environmental Research. 202, 111790.
5. Zhang, S., Zhang, J., Guo, D., Peng, C., Tian, M., Pei, D., Wang, Q., Yang, F., Cao, J., Chen, Y.*, 2021b. Biotoxic effects and gene expression regulation of urban PM2. 5 in southwestern China. Science of The Total Environment. 753, 141774.
6. Li, Q., Han, Y., Huang, D., Zhou, J., Che, H., Zhang, L., Lu, K., Yang, F., Chen, Y.*, 2023. Springtime reactive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and impacts on ozone in urban areas of Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, China: A PTR-TOF-MS study. Atmospheric Environment. 307, 119800.
7. Zhang, S., Zhang, Q., Li, X., Zhang, R., Che, H., Liu, Z., Guo, D., Yang, F., Chen, Y.*, 2023. Mutagenicity of PM2.5 and Ethnic Susceptibility in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, China. Science of The Total Environment. 879, 163022.
8. Peng, C., Tian, M., Wang, X., Yang, F., Shi, G., Huang, R.-J., Yao, X., Wang, Q., Zhai, C., Zhang, S., 2020a. Light absorption of brown carbon in PM2. 5 in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, southwestern China: Implications of biomass burning and secondary formation. Atmospheric Environment. 229, 117409.
9. Peng, C., Yang, F., Tian, M., Shi, G., Li, L., Huang, R.-J., Yao, X., Luo, B., Zhai, C., Chen, Y.*, 2020b. Brown carbon aerosol in two megacities in the Sichuan Basin of southwestern China: Light absorption properties and implications. Science of the Total Environment. 719, 137483.
10. Qian, R., Zhang, S., Peng, C., Zhang, L., Yang, F., Tian, M., Huang, R., Wang, Q., Chen, Q., Yao, X., 2020. Characteristics and potential exposure risks of environmentally persistent free radicals in PM2. 5 in the three gorges reservoir area, Southwestern China. Chemosphere. 252, 126425.
11. Chen, Y.*, Cai, J., Wang, Z., Peng, C., Yao, X., Tian, M., Han, Y., Shi, G., Shi, Z., Liu, Y., 2020a. Simultaneous measurements of urban and rural particles in Beijing–Part 1: Chemical composition and mixing state. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 20, 9231-9247.
12. Chen, Y.*, Cao, J., Huang, R., Yang, F., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., 2016. Characterization, mixing state, and evolution of urban single particles in Xi'an (China) during wintertime haze days. Science of the Total Environment. 573, 937-945.
13. Chen, Y.*, Cao, J., Zhao, J., Xu, H., Arimoto, R., Wang, G., Han, Y., Shen, Z., Li, G., 2014. n-Alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in total suspended particulates from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: concentrations, seasonal variations, and sources. Science of the total environment. 470, 9-18.
14. Chen, Y.*, Liu, H., Huang, R.J., Yang, F., Tian, M., Yao, X., Shen, Z., Yan, L., Cao, J., 2019a. Atmospheric processing of loess particles in a polluted urban area of northwestern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 124, 7919-7929.
15. Chen, Y.*, Liu, H., Yang, F., Zhang, S., Li, W., Shi, G., Wang, H., Tian, M., Liu, S., Huang, R., 2018. Single particle characterization of summertime particles in Xi'an (China). Science of the Total Environment. 636, 1279-1290.
16. Chen, Y.*, Shi, G., Cai, J., Shi, Z., Wang, Z., Yao, X., Tian, M., Peng, C., Han, Y., Zhu, T., 2020b. Simultaneous measurements of urban and rural particles in Beijing–Part 2: Case studies of haze events and regional transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 20, 9249-9263.
17. Chen, Y.*, Tian, M., Huang, R.-J., Shi, G., Wang, H., Peng, C., Cao, J., Wang, Q., Zhang, S., Guo, D., 2019b. Characterization of urban amine-containing particles in southwestern China: seasonal variation, source, and processing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19, 3245-3255.
18. Chen, Y.*, Wenger, J.C., Yang, F., Cao, J., Huang, R., Shi, G., Zhang, S., Tian, M., Wang, H., 2017a. Source characterization of urban particles from meat smoking activities in Chongqing, China using single particle aerosol mass spectrometry. Environmental Pollution. 228, 92-101.
19. Chen, Y.*, Yang, F., Apportionment of urban aerosol sources in Chongqing (China) using synergistic on-line techniques. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (2016), pp. EPSC2016-11267.
20. Chen, Y.*, Yang, F., Mi, T., Cao, J., Shi, G., Huang, R., Wang, H., Chen, J., Lou, S., Wang, Q., 2017b. Characterizing the composition and evolution of and urban particles in Chongqing (China) during summertime. Atmospheric Research. 187, 84-94.
21. Chen, Y.*, Zhang, S., Peng, C., Shi, G., Tian, M., Huang, R.-J., Guo, D., Wang, H., Yao, X., Yang, F., 2020c. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and control measures on air quality and aerosol light absorption in Southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment. 749, 141419.
22. Han, Y., Wang, Z., Zhou, J., Che, H., Tian, M., Wang, H., Shi, G., Yang, F., Zhang, S., Chen, Y.*, 2021. PM2. 5-bound heavy metals in Southwestern China: characterization, sources, and health risks. Atmosphere. 12, 929.
23. Healy, R.M., Chen, Y.*, Kourtchev, I., Kalberer, M., O’Shea, D., Wenger, J.C., 2012. Rapid formation of secondary organic aerosol from the photolysis of 1-nitronaphthalene: role of naphthoxy radical self-reaction. Environmental science & technology. 46, 11813-11820.
24. Huang, D., Li, Q., Han, Y., Xia, S.-Y., Zhou, J., Che, H., Lu, K., Yang, F., Long, X., Chen, Y.*, 2023. Biogenic volatile organic compounds dominated the near-surface ozone generation in Sichuan Basin, China, during fall and wintertime. Journal of Environmental Sciences.
25. Peng, C., Tian, M., Chen, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, L., Shi, G., Liu, Y., Yang, F., Zhai, C., 2019. Characteristics, formation mechanisms and potential transport pathways of PM2. 5 at a rural background site in Chongqing, southwest China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 19, 1980-1992.
26. Wang, H., Qiao, B., Zhang, L., Yang, F., Jiang, X., 2018a. Characteristics and sources of trace elements in PM2. 5 in two megacities in Sichuan Basin of southwest China. Environmental Pollution. 242, 1577-1586.
27. Wang, H., Tian, M., Chen, Y., Shi, G., Liu, Y., Yang, F., Zhang, L., Deng, L., Yu, J., Peng, C., 2018c. Seasonal characteristics, formation mechanisms and source origins of PM 2.5 in two megacities in Sichuan Basin, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18, 865-881.
28. Wang, H., Zhang, L., Huo, T., Wang, B., Yang, F., Chen, Y.*, Tian, M., Qiao, B., Peng, C., 2020. Application of parallel factor analysis model to decompose excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectra for characterizing sources of water-soluble brown carbon in PM2. 5. Atmospheric Environment. 223, 117192.