主持了国家及省部级项目10余项,作为项目或技术负责人承担了大中型流域规划、水利工程规划30余项。发表中英文学术论文70余篇,出版专著2部,软件著作权及发明专利20余项,参与撰写行业标准2项,获全国优秀质量管理小组奖等。担任《Journal of Earth Science》《水资源保护》《水生态学杂志》《水利水运工程学报》等学术期刊青年编委,中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会委员、长江技术经济学会青年工作委员会委员、水利部数字孪生流域建设专家、重庆水文学会理事等。
1. Sidong Zeng, Jun Xia*, Xiangdong Chen, et al. 2020. Integrated land-surface hydrological and biogeochemical processes in simulating water, energy and carbon fluxes over two different ecosystems. Journal of Hydrology, 582:124390.
2. Sidong Zeng, Hong Du*, Jun Xia. 2020. Development of an interface-oriented add-in modeling framework for integrated water system simulation and its application. Environmental Modelling & Software, 134: 104840.
3. Jian Wu, Sidong Zeng*, Linhan Yang, et al. 2021. Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Water Quality and Its Multiscale Relationship with Land Use in the Yangtze River Basin. Remote Sensing, 13(16):3309.
4. Minghao Chen, Sidong Zeng*, Linhan Yang, et al. 2022. Statistical insights into the water exchange process in the Yangtze-Poyang System: the YPWES model. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 40 (2022): 101054.
5. Sidong Zeng, Hong Du*, Jun Xia, Jian Wu, and Linhan Yang. 2022. Attributions of Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Production Changes in Semi-Arid Region: A Case Study in the Water Source Area of the Xiong’an New Area in North China. Remote Sensing, 14(5): 1187.
6. Linhan Yang, Sidong Zeng*, Jun Xia, et al. 2022. Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on the downstream streamflow based on a large-scale hydrological and hydrodynamics coupled model. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 40: 101039.
7. Minghao Chen, Sidong Zeng*, Linhan Yang, et al. 2022. Detailed attribution of long-term water exchange in the Yangtze-Poyang system at multiple time scales. Journal of Hydrology, 612 (2022): 128183.
8. Di Fan, Sidong Zeng*, Hong Du, et al. 2023. Projected flow regimes and biodiversity changes under climate change in the planning western route source areas of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Ecological Indicators, 154: 110827.
9. Minghao Chen, Sidong Zeng*, Gangsheng Wang, et al. 2023. The cause and inspiration of the nonlinear impact of the Three Gorges Dam operation on stage-discharge relation in downstream channels. Journal of Hydrology, 624: 129964.
10. Yuanxin Ren, Jun Xia, Sidong Zeng*, et al. 2023. Identifying critical regions for nitrogen and phosphorus loss management in a large-scale complex basin: The Jialing River. Environmental Research, 116359.
11. Sidong Zeng, Xin Liu, Jun Xia, e al. 2023. Evaluating the hydrological effects of the Three Gorges Reservoir based on a large-scale coupled hydrological-hydrodynamic-dam operation model. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 33(5): 999-1022.
12. Minghao Chen, Sidong Zeng*, Bo Jiang, et al. 2023. The comprehensive evaluation of how water level fluctuation and temperature change affect vegetation cover variations at a lake of ecological importance (Poyang Lake), China. Ecological Indicators, 148: 110041.
13. Hong Du, Jun Xia, Sidong Zeng*, et al. 2023. Climate Change and Multi-Reservoirs Impacts on Extreme Flood: Nonstationary Regional Frequency Analysis and Uncertainty Estimation. Water Resources Management, 1-15.
14. Xun Tan, Sidong Zeng*, Zhong Chen et al. 2024. Synergistic effect of organic matter-floc size-bound water and multifactorial quantitative model of optimal reagent demand in sewage sludge conditioning process prior to dewatering. Water Research, 251, 121108.
15. 曾思栋*, 夏军, 杜鸿, 陈向东 等. 2020. 生态水文双向耦合模型DTVGM-CASACNP的研究——I.模型原理与方法. 水利学报, 51(1): 33-43.