1. Shan Feng, Minggao Yu, Taiping Xie*, Tao Li, Deshun Kong, Junwei Yang, Chunlan Cheng, Houyang Chen*, Jiankang Wang*. MoS2/CoFe2O4 Heterojunction for Boosting Photogenerated Carrier Separation and the Dominant Role in Enhancing Peroxymonosulfate Activation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. 本人排名8/9, 通讯作者
2. High-density Oxygen Doping of Conductive Metal Sulfides for Better Polysulfide Trapping and Li2S-S8 Redox Kinetics in High Areal Capacity Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Advanced Science. 2022. 本人排名6/11, 通讯作者
3. Screening and Improving Porous Materials for Ultradeep Desulfurization of Gasoline. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2021. 本人排名3/8, 通讯作者
4. Chao Huang, Donghai Wu, Ping Qin, Kang Ding, Chaoran Pi, Qingdong Ruan, Hao Song, Biao Gao*, Houyang Chen*, and Paul K. Chu*. Ultrafine Co Nanodots Embedded in N-doped Carbon Nanotubes Grafted on Hexagonal VN for Highly Efficient Overall Water Splitting. Nano Energy. 2020.本人排名9/10, 通讯作者
5. Bco-C24: A new 3D Dirac Nodal Line Semi-metallic Carbon Honeycomb for High Performance Metal-Ion Battery Anodes. Carbon. 2020.本人排名4/4, 通讯作者
6. Facet-Tailoring Five-Coordinated Ti Sites and Structure-Optimizing Electron Transfer in a Bifunctional Cathode with Titanium Nitride Nanowire Array to Boost the Performance of Li2S6-based Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Energy Storage Materials. 2020.本人排名10/10, 通讯作者
7. Nanoseparation of nanoparticle mixtures with similar surface structures through a facile two-step approach. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019.本人排名1/2, 通讯作者
8. A facile and effective sulfur loading method: Direct drop of liquid Li2S8 on carbon-coated TiO2 nanowire arrays as cathode towards commercializing lithium-sulfur battery. Energy Storage Materials. 2019.本人排名5/5, 通讯作者
9. Nitrogenated holey graphene C2N monolayer anodes for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries with high performance. Energy Storage Materials. 2019.本人排名3/4, 通讯作者
10. Popgraphene: a new 2D Planar Carbon Allotrope Composed of 5-8-5 Carbon Rings for High-performance Lithium-ion Battery Anodes from Bottom-up Programming. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2018.本人排名3/4, 通讯作者