曾全超,2018年6月在西北农林科技大学获博士学位(导师安韶山研究员),并获陕西省优秀博士学位论文。2016年9月-2018年3月赴美国麻省大学环境系师从Xing Baoshan教授从事土壤有机碳周转研究,2018年8月-2021年12月在华中农业大学师从谭文峰教授开展集约化农业土壤有机碳周转的微生物学机制方面的研究。发表中英文学术论文50余篇,其中第一作者论文23篇,出版专著2部,担任Global Change Biology、Plant and Soil、Catena、Environmental Research、Environmental Microbiome、Microorganisms、环境科学等期刊审稿人,3篇文章入选F5000(领跑者5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文),主持及参与10项国家级科研项目。
1.Zeng QC, Mei T, Delgado-Baquerizo M., Wang M, Tan WF*, 2022. Suppressed phosphorus-mineralizing bacteria after three decades of fertilization. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 323, 107679.
2.Zeng QC, Mei T, Wang M, Tan W*, 2022. Intensive citrus plantations suppress the microbial profiles of the -glucosidase gene. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 323, 107687.
3.Yi J, Zeng QC*, Mei T, Zhang S, Li Q, Wang M, Tan WF*, 2022. Disentangling drivers of soil microbial nutrient limitation in intensive agricultural and natural ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 806, 150555.
4.Zeng QC, Chen Z, Tan WF*, 2021. Plant litter quality regulates soil eco-enzymatic stoichiometry and microbial nutrient limitation in a citrus orchard. Plant Soil, 466: 179–191.
5.Zeng QC, An SS*, Liu Y, Wang H, Wang Y, 2019. Biogeography and the driving factors affecting forest soil bacteria in an arid area. Science of The Total Environment, 680: 124-131.
6.Zeng QC, Jia P, Wang Y, Wang H, Li C, An SS*, 2019. The local environment regulates biogeographic patterns of soil fungal communities on the Loess Plateau. Catena, 183: 104220.
7.Zeng QC, Liu D, An SS*, 2021. Decoupled diversity patterns in microbial geographic distributions on the arid area (the Loess Plateau). Catena 196, 104922.
8.Zeng QC, An SS*, Liu Y, 2017. Soil bacterial community response to vegetation succession after fencing in the grassland of China. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 2-10.
9.Zeng QC, Darboux F, Cheng M, Zhu ZL, An SS*, 2018. Soil aggregate stability under different rain conditions for three vegetation types on the Loess Plateau (China). Catena, 167: 276-283.
10.Zeng QC, Liu Y, Zhang H, An SS*, 2019. Fast bacterial succession associated with the decomposition of Quercus wutaishanica litter on the Loess Plateau. Biogeochemistry, 144(2): 119-131.