2021: Excellent employee
2006: The second best paper in SFT2006
Books and chapters:
1.DOUADJI Lyes, La ma?trise de traitement uniforme des pi ces paisses en composites, Book; ISNB: 978-3838182070, EUE- Germany; June 2012.
2.DOUADJI Lyes*, Pyrom trie Photothermique Impulsionnelle. Application au Soudage, Book; ISNB: 978-613-1-51756-3, EUE- Germany; January 2013.
3.DOUADJI Lyes*, DU weiwei and Mingquan Shi, Dynamic and static problems using finite element method, Lambert academic publishing, Book, 2017
4.Siyu Jin, DOUADJI Lyes and Mingquan Shi, Deep study of carbon fibre/Epoxy interface, Scholars’ Press, Book, 2018,
5.Lyes DOUADJI & DU WeiWei; Simulation for Microwave Processing of Thermoset Composites: Simulation Modeling & Design; Scholars’ Press , Book September 16, 2021
1. Xie Fu, Hui Tong; Yutong Wu; Kun Zhang; Xiong Sheng; Lyes DOUADJI; et al.; Flexible Sensors with a Sandwich Stack Structure of Few-Layer Ti3C2Fx/ Polypyrrole Nanowires for Human Motion Detection and Healthcare Monitoring; ACS Applied Nano Materials 6(10); May 2023.
2. Xie Fu, Hui Tong, Xia Zhang, Kun Zhang, Lyes DOUADJI, Shuai Kang, Jinling Luo, Ziwei Pan, Wenqiang Lu*; Anisotropic Hydrogels with Multi-Scale Hierarchy based on Ionic Conductive for Flexible Sensor; ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2023
3. Chang Cao; YingMin Qu; Mohamed Bahri; Lyes DOUADJI; Deqiang Wang; Toward Selective Transfer of CVD Monolayer WS2 Based on Laser-Cutting Dedicated FET Applications; April 2023; DOI:10.1117/12.2668065;
4. Jin Siyu, Weiwei DU, Shi Mingquan, Lyes DOUADJI; Mechanical and thermal properties investigation for long fibreglass reinforced PA66 with graphene coating on fibre surface; International Polymer Processing, 2018.
5. Shi Wen, WeiWei Du, and Lyes DOUADJI, Study on the Influence of Extrusion Temperature and Extrusion Die on the Properties of Self-Reinforced PP Sheets. International Polymer Processing: Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 260-264, 2017.
6. Weiwei DU, DOUADJI L., F. Benkhenafou, Li Cheng; A New Way to Uniform Microwave Treatment of Epoxy Glass; Material Science Forum, Vol. 813, pp 265-272, 2015.
7.DU WeiWei and DOUADJI L., Contribution to Study of the Sintering Mechanism, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 697, pp 51-56, 2015.
8. DOUADJI L., WeiWei DU, Li Cheng; Compensation of microwave-source heating attenuation into the epoxy-glass composites: Experimental results; Journal of Applied Polymer, Vol. 131, Issue 8, April 15, 2014.
9. DOUADJI L., F. Benkhenafou, WeiWei DU, A. Tcharchtchi and M. madani; Study the micromechanical Behaviour of PLA Film, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.811 pp 23-27, 2013
10. L. DOUADJI and DELMOTTE M., Control of Attenuation in Microwaves Processing to Obtain Uniform Treatment of Epoxy Glass, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 46 (3), pp.176-186, 2012.
1. Lyes DOUADJI, DU WeiWei, et al. 一利用微波能量均匀制热生产弧形部件的装; May 2014; innovation Patent: 201410150969.7
2. 豆阿吉李耶斯, 杜维唯, 蒋显全, 陈蕴博, 范广宏, 任明伟, 周玉敬, 刘波, 汽车防撞尾梁, 210410293328.7; innovation patent, 2014.
3.DOUADJI L., Weiwei DU, Fethi Benkhenafou; 一脉冲光热效应双色高温计装置, 201310252920.8, Invention Patent 2013.
1. 汽车用先进复合材料共性关键技术研究与应用; Cstc2012ggB50002; 2012 年9月- 2015 年10月.
2. 微波衰减制备玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料曲型制件的模拟设计; 2万元; Cstc2013 jbky00112, 2013年1月-2014年12月.
3. 复杂镁合金零部件关键技术开发及产业化;2000万元; Cstc2013jcsf50003; 2013年6月-2015年6月.
4. 不饱和聚酯/玻璃纤维复合材料研究及在建筑板材中的应用; 10万元; 2015cstc-jbky-00103; 2015年1月-2015年12月.
5. 轻质、低碳型可持续地板产品的合作研发; 600万元; S2015ZR1133; 2015 年3月- 2018 年3月.